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Eva Ribeiro



 Eva Ribeiro

(Clown Madame Muska)



Adelvane Néia



​Madame Kill

 Clown/Physical Commedy


Incapable of fitting in with the modern times she decides to put an end to her life.

Madame Kill is a clown act in which suicide is seen in a sensitive and comic way. An invitation for complicity, a break to think about the fast rhythm of a society that rarely shows what she feels.

The audience is caught by surprise as is conducted by the hilarious performance of Eva Ribeiro.




"Madame Muska  is a clown who in search of death, finds life and  is reborn."

Adelvane Néia





 60 minutes​

Teaser Madame Kill

Extract of the show 

Internation Clown Festival of Ribeirão Preto (Brazil, 2014)

a litle piece of the show

University of Uberlandia (Brasil,2014)

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