the Apparition
comedy show / physical humor
no words
Bringing the message of universal love and peace, these two characters are the Witnesses of a new era. Maria da Conceição and Emilinha are faithful to a new religion: the whitnesses of the All.
They are everywhere, All the time... to share the prophetic word of the Egyptian pharaohs with their dear audience.
With a brillant sense of humor and a lot of physical comedy this show promises to convert us and makes us believe in this new dogma.--with laughs and joy!
with Eva Ribeiro and Rafa Santos
Directed by
Tom Roos
Pedro Fabião
ilustrations Alowies
time 60 minutes / target audience: > 6
the show has two versions:
outdoor / street show
indoor / stage show
For more informations, please contact:
"Hilarious!Unique in Portugal"
Detlef Schafft , mOmO- Circus Musem
"The fresh news of comedy"
José Leitão, Festival Internacional Cómico da Maia