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the Witnesses

comic duo / clown /absurd humor

The company The Witnesses is born from the meeting of two flying and dangerously amusing souls: Rafa Santos and Eva Ribeiro.

Together they found the same vocation: to testify in the name of Love and the prophetic word of the Egyptian all seing eye.  Making a holly promise to try it all to provoke laughter in the audience, this pair of clowns began their work together in 2017.

In 2019 they created their first long show "The Apparition" which features the direction of Tom Roos (Belgium) in his indoor / stage version and Pedro Fabião (Portugal) in his street / outdoor version. Also accompanying the process was the Belgian illustrator Alowies ( who made live drawings during the process of creating the characters and the show.

 In 2020/21 the show was presented in International Theater Festival  "Cómico da Maia", in International Clown Festival of Vila do Conde and mOmO_circus museum. It was also presented in 26th edition of International Clown Festival of Xirivella (Spain).

The show also has a short version that can be presented in gala and cabaret.


©2021 As Testemunhas duo

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